Why am i being persecuted

My name is Matthew 3 1/2 years old and recently diagnosed as having autism,discovering this condition in children as young as myself can be very difficult and frustrating.
I live with my gran & grandad whom are both loving,caring &understanding,but most of all patient with my condition which was wrongly diagnosed from a few months old.I live in Scotland uk & my mum in Wales uk because my mum was persecuted for my under stimulation,she is slowly recovering from depression due to my condition being undetected until a few months ago.
Since my diagnosis i have been attending 5 afternoon sessions of pre nursery & receive speech therapy because i cant speak for myself,my wish is for autism to be recognised & help given to other mums in similar situations & not persecuted for non stimulation of a baby.Most of all I want my mum back because i miss her & love her.

Aberdeen, United Kingdom