This Moment In Time

I remember being 28 in 2001, I was 8 month pregnant with a little boy. As I was waiting at the lab for blood work to be drawn a young mother of 3 spoke desperately out into the waiting room," Please stop staring at my son, he can't help it, he is Autistic" as she lovingly pulled the big boy out from under the chairs.
I never thought that small moment in time would stay with me forever. I didn't know what Autism meant but it wasn't long before I understood first hand. Ryan was my first child. I had no "typical" example first before him but I still felt something wasn't exactly right during development. By 18 months he was diagnosed.
Six yrs later, pregnant and at my 12 week ultrasound I saw I was carrying baby boy 2. My heart came into my throat. I knew it, at that very moment I knew. I held on to hope for many months.. not for me.. for him. At 19 months my Mikey was diagnosed.
My life has been forever changed. I have found beauty in so many little things that I normally would have taken for granted. From the sound of a buzzing florescent light bulb to the consistency of different pages of a magazine. The ability to look through my boys eye's without judgement of the world. I can't express how Autism has changed my life in such a wonderful way. At "This Moment In Time" I would give it all back for my boys to be considered "Typical" amongst this ~at times~ cruel social network of humanity.

Signed by Mommy's Heart <3

Parlin, NJ