Our daily gift.

We knew from the time our little guy was about 8 months that something wasn't quite right. At 12 months he was walking, but no babbling or talking. At 18 months we had a "probably PDD-NOS with speech apraxia" diagnosis from Children's Hospital in Seattle. We started him on weekly speech and OT. At 3 we had "PDD-NOS" and had discontinued the weekly therapy and put him into developmental preschool. At 4 we had "high functioning autism". At this time we moved to Texas, where he started a "normal" Pre-K 4 year old program. At 5 he started Kindergarten one year early (his birthday is in October, the cut off is September). He is now 6 years old, and the youngest in his 1st grade class. He reads at a 3rd grade level, aces all of his spelling tests, gets invited to birthday parties, wrestles with the other boys on the playground. He continues to receive speech therapy twice a week through school. Very few people at his school know about his autism diagnosis, although when they are told they giggle and say "that could explain XX behavior!" Cured, not a chance. But blessed? Yes, we all are.

Whoville, TX