My little sister

When i was 16 months old, my beautiful little sister came into my life. From that moment on we were already the best of friends. Once she was 2 years old she was diagnosed with Autism. i didn't understand. But as we grew older and i understood more, i saw that life began to be more difficult for her. She had learned how to speak by the age of 6 and children around our street began bully her, they called her names and told her it was wrong for her to be different. It was heartbreaking because she wasn't able to understand and stand up for herself. Years went by but i never forgot about the harsh words that were said about her. I've always been there to protect her from that day and i will be her best friend until the day i die. I know she will have to go someday because as she's developed into her late teenage years the behavior has worsened. I help my mum the best i can but we know that she'll have to go somewhere she is happy. Some people see it as being too weak to look after her, but we want her in a place where she can be herself. She has always loved animals and because of Autism my dream is to own a place where they can live, somewhere private so they can be whoever they want to be. Behind the house will be a farm where they can help look after all of the animals (horses and dogs are her favorite). She proves that in life being different may matter to some, but when you have people there who will love you every step of the way, autism will never define you. I will always love her.

London, United Kingdom