My Hero, Doryan.

If you ask someone who their hero is, most of the time it is someone who is brave and strong.Probably some one who has done great things and is loved by many. This is a pretty "typical" response.

My hero however is someone who is none of those things at all. My hero is 5 foot 6 inches tall.He might weight 100lbs soaking wet. He is 14 years old. He runs track and field and is absolutely amazing at it. Oh yeah and he happens to have Asperger's Syndrome.

He worries about many things ,like failing a test, not making it on the honor roll, not being first to lunch.
He doesn't have a lot of friends and finds people and social interactions terrifying. He wears glasses and is a self proclaimed "Star Wars Nerd." He has fears.... many fears.

He is afraid no one will ever love him. He fears he will never have a family,children to love.... He would make an awesome dad.

This hero of mine does "funny" things. He repeats things he has heard on TV,word for word. He laughs inappropriately at situations that others find lacking in humor.He "stims" and "flaps" and draws obsessively on every piece of paper he can find. He loves SciFi movies and wants to be a film maker someday.
He constantly asks " Mom, how do you know that I will be ok?", " How do you know I will ever be good enough?"

Good enough? Oh Dory, you are so much more than good enough! You are the best of all that is good enough.You are everything I have dreamed,wished and hoped for in a child. You are everything to me and so much more. You are the absolute best thing that has EVER happened to me. You are best this world has to offer.

One day a few months ago he asked me who my favorite superhero was. I had never really thought about it until then. I truly believe now I know. It is my son Doryan , it has always been,and always will be.

Cassadga, NY