My Amazing Little Man ♡♡♡♡

My son who is 5 and just started kindergarten we actually just found out he was on the spectrum Friday September 5th 2014 even though there are family members who have it I never thought he did he was delayed in talking but he did speech therapy and the speech came along at first he couldn't make full sentences but those two eventually started to come along sometimes he still is unable to make full sentences to get his point across but I just thought it was due to his speech problem...but I was so focused on his speech that I never stopped to pay more attention to the other traits of autism that he had such as the tantrums as well or how emotional he gets when he doesn't get something either very sad or very mad the high pitch noises he makes or the way he covers his ear when normal sounds to us are to loud for him I never noticed until the doctor started asking me questions and going through the appointment assessing him now I'm still shocked because I never thought my son was autistic but I love him none the less and he is very bright and his imagination is incredible I am happy though at least now I can get the proper care for him and I know that I am not alone even though I am kinda nervous and scared this is all new to me

Atlanta, GA