Kio's Story

Kio was born in the fall of 2006. At seven years old, you might not be able to tell right off that he has autism. He is an astonishing little man. His vocabulary blows people away. His favorite word to describe himself is debonair. He is the only child in his school with an IEP (Individualized Education Plan) that does not have any education goals, because he is that smart. He loves video games, that is how he focuses and challenges his mind. He is a sweet and loving little boy who just makes people melt.

You must be wondering how that sounds anything like autism? Well the best way to describe it is: When he is good, he is golden and you couldn't ask for someone more well behaved and polite. When he is making bad choices, he makes very bad choices and it can be a massive heart breaking struggle to handle.

School is very difficult for Kio, not because the work is too hard but, because of the social interaction aspect. He is a bit of a loner, but does try to have some interaction with other kids. When asked about his friends, he will name mainly adults. He is an extremely picky eater... that has not changed since he was born. His tantrums are fierce to say the least, but we work through them. The school had Kio evaluated and I finally got the answer I was looking for; Autism.

I feel like I always knew, because my son is a lot like myself, but at the same time I was relieved. I finally had an answer, I knew what made my son so unique. Each day is both challenging and awe inspiring, but we get through it with the love and support from our family and friends.

Jeffersonville, IN