Jeremiah's story

Our 11 year old son Jeremiah has Autism with I.D. and ADHD with short term memory loss and suffers with asthma. He has a mind of a 6 year old. He can't read or write only can copy stuff from board.It has been a long journey but were still going. When he was smaller school seem to be ok but seems now the older he gets of course the harder for him it is and i'm not talking about the work i'm talking about the kids bullying him. At one time he had to go to school 30 minutes away from where we live it was the only school that provided help for him. Although he did get help he had to be in a regular class with the kids. One day he came home with bruises down his leg come to find out when the kids were passing his desk they would hit him on his legs on top of that made fun of him cause they said he breathed funny and called him all kinds of names. Sense then we have moved him to another school here he does go to special ed classes by himself but does have to have music,p.e.,etc. But moving him here isn't any better. Gets picked on they make fun of him call him names etc. I talk to teachers but all they say is they can't do nothing unless they hear or see something.Problem here town so small no education about special needs kids no one here knows much. I'm writing this to see if someone knows anybody who goes to the schools to talk about special kids and also bullying. Little towns like this needs more information. They need to understand different is awesome.

clarissa gamez