A Letter From Brandon

My name is Brandon, I am 6 and I have AUTISM.

When I was born, I was a typical and active infant. I was an engaging, happy, babbling toddler until suddenly around 18 months. I became silent, withdrawn, and indifferent to my social surroundings. The only way I know how to describe it is it was as if someone came into my room one night and took a piece of my brain away. I stopped saying the hand full of words I knew, I didn’t make eye contact with other people, and I even stopped responding to my name.

The diagnosis was – “PDD-NOS” - Pervasive Development Disorder-Not otherwise Specified.

Basically it means that I lie somewhere on the line of Autism Spectrum Disorders –ASD. Thankfully, we found out early and off with the Early Intervention we went.

I need to continue to work on my social skills and social interactions. I need help learning the “give and take” of a normal conversation. I need to learn how to interpret what others are thinking and feeling and I am still not able to predict or understand other people’s actions. Basically, I need to learn how to be more social, but it’s hard because I like being on my own. Oh, and I also need to learn how not to get upset when things don’t go my way. When schedules and routines change, I need to know that it’s okay.

All I ask for is acceptance, inclusion, respect, and understanding --- with that; I truly believe the rest will fall into place.

I pray that one day I will get to drive a car, go to college, get married, have children, and hold a good job. Mommy and Daddy always say, “Through God, all things are possible”!


Pam Newell
Houston, TX