Stories of Hope

Share your inspiring, hopeful story of how autism touched you.

Autistic and Proud

Autistic and Proud

Last year (at 38),I was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome. Until then I had lived in the dark. I've always believed that I was different and felt as though people didn't completely understand me. Things were difficult, but after the diagnosis, I look back at what I've accomplished with more pride than ever. In my situation, Autism actually does have benefits.

Autism provided the obsessive drive that has allowed me to achieve nearly every goal I've ever set. When I was 12 years old, my goal in life was to manage the operation of an amusement park in Los Angeles. At 17, I started as a Ride Operator and fought my way up; every year moving closer to my dream. The Aspergian's unyielding determination helped me achieve my goal eventually managing the Operations Division, (pretty good for someone who is anti-social, anti-crowds, anti-noise...). The park helped me learn coping skills that I use on a daily basis. I can put on a face and mimic like a champ! When needed, I can turn on my social side, although I still loathe social events. Case in point: I tried to ditch out on a Christmas party where I was to be driven in a limo and receive a plaque for Operations Employee of the Year... hehe! Immersion into the uncomfortable can be beneficial. Years ago, I left Six Flags; Autism is my obsession now.

I wish that I would have been diagnosed earlier in life. Post-diagnosis has been eye opening. Now, my life makes sense. Granted, Autism is not easy and it has certainly helped push me to the edge time and time again, but now that I finally know, I'm better prepared. I discover new tendencies that we Aspies have on a daily basis and adjust accordingly. Awareness is life changing. I realize that crowds, noise, chaos, social events are not my style. However, I still view it as a gift in my case. I feel for people who struggle with it, but as for me, I don't want to be cured. I don't need a cure. I'm Autistic and proud.

Scott Gudmundson
Johnstown, CO

Huntin For A Cure For Hunter

Huntin For A Cure For Hunter

Mama the words I have yet to hear from my 2 1/2 year old little boy Hunter! We always knew he was special from the day we brought him home from the hospital. Hunter never met any of his milestones on time he never really cooed or babbled as a baby. My husband and I knew that something wasn't right so started talking with his Dr and had Hunter tested for autism he was officially diagnosed June 2014! Hunter is slowly progressing and smiles and laughs all the time he loves mickey mouse climbing on everything! we would not change Hunter for the world because he is our special boy that didn't grow in my tummy but grew in my heart!!

Hunter's mommy

columbus, OH

my gentle giant

my gentle giant

Joseph was born in Nov. Of 07. He is my first child and I at the time was 20.His dad and I at the time didn't understand why our baby went from almost reciting all his alphabet and numbers (up to 5) at the age of 2 and all of a sudden by 3 he was back to baby talk or pointing to what he wanted. He was potty trained by the time was 2 1/2 yrs old but accident after another, we found our selves back at potty training. It was frustrating to not be able to help him like needed and not knowing what had I done wrong that my son isn't learning the basic things a child his age should know. it all changed the summer of 2011, he was evaluated and he was diagnosed with high functioning autism with a speech delay. I remember crying myself to sleep that night. I felt as if I had failed him for not helping him sooner. Fast forward to 2014 and 2 schools later, my big boy is now talking, holding a short conversation with you. He's now interested in making friends and we're learning how to verbalize frustration instead of acting on it. I still find my self wondering what have I done for god to of blessed me with this beautiful little person. Greatful for it all and ready to keep pushing forward.

bre Rodriguez
houston, TX

Damon's Story

I had my little boy on May 19th of 2005. He was a cute little thing everything was alright after I had him. He made all the makers that a child should make. He was walking and talking around 2 years of age. I honestly didn't think anything was wrong with him until he started school. In kindergarten that's when the teacher said she was having trouble understanding my son. That he would want to be by himself, that he would talk out in class and disrupt what the teacher was teaching and that he was having trouble making friends with others. After almost a year of receiving calls from the school about his behavior it was decided that he be tested for autism and that when we found out that my little boy had autism. Although after that everything changed for the better we where able to send him to school without receiving calls every day saying your son had done this or that. That he was getting the help he needed was a weight off of me, because for the longest time I really didn't know what was wrong with my boy. Now almost three years later he is almost able to be in a classroom setting and not get into trouble. He still needs the help with a few things but he is somewhat able to understand how to act in a social setting and what he needs to do to stay on task. I know that some people have this harder then me but am honestly great full for the help he has received in the last three years and I hope that he will continue to improve. Thank you for reading my son's story. And I hope that it will inspire you not to give up hope.

Cindy Cummings
Houston, TX

Totally different child

Alex is 14 years old. He was diagnosed with many different diagnosis's until the end of 2nd grade when it was finally determined he had Aspergers. He was a very frustrated young kid. He was smart beyond his age. He loves routine and structure. He expects everyone to follow the rules completely... no gray area. At the end of 2nd grade he was completely in "learning support" class room primarily because of his behavior. He was really good at flipping desks and telling the teacher exactly how he felt about her. He was about 2 years behind all the other kids academically.Our home school district could not help him... Yes, I believe our home school district failed him in elementary school. He ended up at a partial hosipital school (he came home at night). He spent 5 years there. And boy has he changed. When he transitioned out of the school he gave the graduation speech. 7th grade he was in all regular ed classes except for math and science. Both of those were learning support classes... 8th grade he was only in learning support math. Now the new year started again...he is a freshman in high school He loves it.. all regular ed classes. Yes he still loves routine, and structure...but he can now handle rules being bent a little. We have come a long way from Elementary Alex to now Freshman Alex. We still have moments that his aspergers really takes over. But now we can "ride the wave".

swissvale, PA

Jimmy Chavez

My brother is 14 years old, he was diagnosed with autism at the age of 3. He's very low functioning so he doesn't talk and has trouble understanding from right or wrong.
It's been very hard for our family but we love him very much.
Recently he and our mother were on the news and you guys should check it out.

San Diego, CA


Toby is 15, and has only just been diagnosed as Autistic, even though the signs were there from the beginning. The general atmosphere here in the UK for the last couple of decades has been one of denial, where specialists even with their suspicions, have been frightened to come forward and speak out. Any talk of links between the MMR vaccine, and the Autistic Spectrum have quickly been hushed and swept under the carpet; any professional brave enough to stick his head above the parapet, has quickly been shot down.....

Toby's condition is undeniably linked to the vaccine. He was a well developed, talking, eating, healthy child. There were no signs of any problems at all, until post injection. Almost immediately, the change was dramatic, no talking, impossible eating regimes, difficulty with bowel movements, social interaction became difficult, no eye contact, etc., etc.

Over the next 13 years or so, the changes became more obvious, and although we were pushed down several routes of treatment, the underlying tension was there every time you raised the MMR theory, with people actually frightened to acknowledge publicly, that there could be a link. The professionals denied it, but us, the parents, knew there was a definitive link, and talking to parents in a similar position, only sought to reinforce our theory.

Now, the tide is turning, there is some agreement here that there could be a link, nobody talks publicly about it, but if you engage a professional and talk off the record, they are a little more relaxed. For us though, it's a little late. Toby is now a teenager, and has missed out on years of valuable time, where he could have had some decent help. In the UK, you get no help until you are diagnosed....

We love him dearly, he is a great boy, funny, articulate, focused and good company. He is a little bit reclusive, he's been out of the house less than a dozen times this year, preferring to interact online, but hopefully we can now move forward, and he can start to fulfill his fantastic potential.....

BOURNEMOUTH, United Kingdom

Different.......Never Less

Different.......Never Less

My son's name is Anthony and after 6 long years of fighting for a diagnose and tantrum after tantrum, confusion and frustration I finally got an answer, Autism Disorder with ADHD. Didn't surprise me but did hurt to hear. I knew all along. He is the best child a mother could have. He is enrolled in an IB league school for gifted and talented children, plays sports, currently in American Football. But things aren't always as nice as they seem. At the age of 3 I was terrified of my son. He was nonverbal up until 4 and would take out all that frustration on me. When he was 5 I met my husband and his son who have helped me so much with my son I could never repay them for it. I know thanks to their help my son now is more verbal and his tantrums have reduced to 1 a month or so. He is very sensitive to the light, going out in the sun is such a nightmare, loud sounds horrible. But all these are just things we as a family had to learn to adapt to. Everyday is definitely a new challenge although we try hard to maintain everyday with the same routine or he will flip and as he gets older he gets stronger and tantrums are no longer rolling on the floor tantrums. I'm just learning how to work with him so I can understand him better. I always knew my baby was different, but never less.With the love and support from my husband and my stepson who have been a great help in my son's journey I know we will be fine. Couldn't do it with out my husband and stepson they are a true blessing through out this journey. I can't wait to see my son become a the great and successful man I know he will become one day!

Alejandra Rugg
Sturtevant, WI

The unexpected gift.

The unexpected gift.

I had a vague idea of what autism was from the movie Mercury Rising. I was a teenager when it came out, and loved the boy in the story so much, that I wanted to name my own future son Simon.

When my Simon was borne I had forgotten all about that movie. I had forgotten about autism. I was not ready for Dante.

I saw the delays. He walked later then my eldest. He didn't talk, he babbled. He had moments where he zoned and I couldn't reach him. Dante would wrap himself in a blanket and rock. When he was borne he cried, he cried when I tried to feed him or hold him close. I thought he hated me.

When he was four, he still didn't talk, just babbled. He was potty trained. Barely. I knew something was off. I suspected, but wasn't sure it was autism. He still did not want to be held. I still thought he hated me.

Once I had a diagnosis from his school, I kept working with him. I refused to believe he would never talk, never find his place. He kept learning, kept growing.
He taught me how to talk to him. How he needed to learn.

Two years later, he would mimic. He could say ABCs and 123s all day long. He knew so much. My heart was breaking, I thought I would never hear his "voice".

He would hurt himself and wander. He broke more furniture and walls then I care to mention, but I didn't give up.

One night, during the second year, I was cooking dinner. He came in and said " Mom, Thank you. I love you mom. Keep trying." I know now, he loves me, and I will never give up on him.

Ruth Wellington
Andreas, PA

My Amazing and Musical Journey Through Life

My Amazing and Musical Journey Through Life

On March 8, 1996, I was born prematurely at the University of Michigan Hospital, weighing one pound and 13 ounces.  I am a surviving twin.  After emergency surgery, I spent 100 days in the hospital incubator with recorded music playing Beethoven, Mozart, and The Beatles (More to follow on this later).

In late 1999, I was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome. Autism gives me a variety of strengths and weaknesses not typical in the average human being.  I face challenges such as a soft speaking voice, long processing time when asked a question, and problems with conversational participation.  I’ve also had many physical therapies throughout my life and have many other health issues.

I’ve had many “passions” about things such as doors, watches, voice recorders, weather stations, and ham radio, but I’ve always loved music.  I vaguely remember a recognizable Mozart piece playing in my incubator as an infant.  This was only the beginning to my amazing and musical journey through life.  Since that time, I really love the music of performers like Joshua Bell, Yo-Yo Ma, AC/DC, Green Day, Katy Perry, Ariana Grande, and many others - so much that I want to be a professional musician.  As a violinist, my main goal in life is to become a player in one of the nation’s major orchestras.

I read many of the Autism Awareness posts on Facebook, and I hope that I can be a role model and an inspiration to young people diagnosed with autism.  I am excited to attend the University of Michigan next fall, working towards a dual degree in violin performance and composition. My violin teacher, Stephen Shipps, has helped me in so many ways.

You can find a video of my most recent performance (and others) during the 2014 Cambridge International String Academy at Trinity College in the UK by going to YouTube and searching for "Stuart Carlson."  I was honored to perform John Williams’ “Theme from Schindler’s List” with pianist Rohan DeSilva, and my own arrangement of “Amazing Grace” with Yuzuko Horigome on piano.  I hope that you are as inspired by these two pieces as I am.

Stuart Carlson
Dexter, MI